Monday, October 03, 2005

Turning Japanese

That is Yukiko on the right and Yuka on the left... Sugoy na! We took them to Pizza Schmizza.

The girls just got dropped off. This year they were Yukiko and Yuka. They acted a bit older than the girls from last year. They were both very nice. Turns out they thought my chicken pot pie, which I thought they wouldn't like, was very delicious to them. They made us lunch yesterday with a kind of udon noodle and vegetable. They absolutely loved shopping at Target, especially the 1 dollar section. We took them also to Saturday market. Jeff really picked up the slack as I was really feeling lousy Sat. night, he made sure they were entertained and they taught him about katakana and kanji and all that good stuff. I was in bed. I never get colds, luckily this one didn't take hold too strongly it only knocked about half the wind out of my sails.

Yuka at Saturday market here.

They fell in love with Adeline and took at least 100 pictures of her. It was nice because they entertained themselves with either her or with the dog.

The low point of the trip? Maybe Sat night when I was sick and Addy wouldn't sleep or eat and Jeff was taking care of the girls and I was being unsuccessful taking a rest... The high point? Sat. market easily. Last year we did so much more stuff with them, this year not as much.

No actually the high point was watching Jeff spend time with them... so many men would be thoroughly indifferent or annoyed by the language barrier, but he was sooo unaffected by this. he would just ask questions and be very patient and listen and he genuinely enjoyed the time with them. This gives me heart about us living the expat life for a few years. I know it's a big leap but it is a small thing...makes me hopeful.

Yuka here with Adeline.

Speaking of going abroad... my friend's teenager Brette stopped going to Christian school and started a public high school and now has turned into that sullen, rather "grownups don't know anything" teenager. yech. Brette has always been the perfect girl. She was enthusiastic, kind hearted, empathetic and it's as if overnight she has kind of turned sarcastic, mocking, sullen...what is going on? She was one of the best kids I knew... I don't like the new Brette, whatever happened...I want to old Brette back. Should she go back to Christian school friends?

It's the long you shelter the kids or do you lead them up to the battlefield and let them go?

Here are Sue and Alexandra, co workers who also had some girls staying with them, we are at Saturady market. Plus Adeline in the non stop search for something to chew on.


RunningWheel said...

How exciting to have some intercultural adventures right in your own home! It is so important for Americans to stay globally minded.

From you blog on goals to your comments about your husband and international living, I get the impression that you have similar conversations with your husband as I do with my girlfriend. She has always been internationally minded, and has wanted to find a husband to do Christian missions overseas. I currently am trapped in PDX finishing up school, but am interested in things overseas. I just never really thought of it before I met her. I am falling in love with the idea more and more, and have been willing to walk away from my field for awhile now to pursue something international.

So we have the "goals and dreams" conversations a lot. She seems to think I am looking globally just to win her, but that is not so. I just wasn't exposed to the idea much. So, be patient with your husband as he learns more about this area of your heart. He seems very teachable and interested in trying new things. We don't become who we are overnight.

suleyman said...

Japanese culture is so fun. Some of it is depressing, like all cultures, but I enjoy a great deal of it. I doubt these girls know who Yukio Mishima or Shusaku Endo (who, if you haven't read, you must) are, though. Which is sad.

Did they wear their school uniforms over here? That's what the top pic looks like. How much Nihongo do you speak? I only know enough to get lost. Yukiko is very - ahem - "kawaii," as they say.

My parents aren't going to send my little sis to public school. she'll be private all the way (preferably a Christian school). I only attended a single year of Christian school. Look how well-adjusted I am! (yeah right).

word verification: qsmquqqa.
