Friday, February 22, 2008

New rollers

I visit Dooce monthly, usually just to admire her banners. But I just took her off my roll because her ads have gotten crazy. You cant even see her content, just her ads.

I added Area Woman Falls Prey to Narcissistic E-trend (my sentiments exactly about blogging) and Hobo Teacher. They are both teacher, E trend in a Catholic school.

Meanwhile I am still perplexed because all my referrals are coming to a slight off hand reference to a travel channel thing I saw 2 years ago about the Mek Tribe. I am getting ridiculous amounts of people coming to Chez What for that.

And in other news, here is a sneak preview of new home.

its about time.

and just because one blog really isn't enough, here's my work blog where I just posted some podcasts my kids did this week about Cesar Chavez.

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