Friday, December 09, 2005

let it be known

Marraige isn't like fairy godmother stuff where everything is pudding and pies. I am actually glad for that. But there are so many young folk who seem deceived on this end. here it is kids: marraige is something that takes work.

and that, to me anyway, is what is nice about it. so long as your pard isnt in the pudding and pies camp.

capitalization is for sissies.

friends rock. namely anna. anna, you rock.

tommorrow we will go cut our tree. I always worry a little about the tree when they wrap it up in twine, i think it cramps the little trees style. we only ever get noble firs. we use our noble to heat our home when we are done. it is one of several traditions we are instituting... yes we are starting traditions here. I have issues with christmas, its probably the only area where these issues just pop out of nowhere and i want to hide in the closet and wish it would all just end. so in combatting these issues we are reclaiming christmas and trying to turn it into a holiday we like. we will have thai food on christmas eve and i will make brunch on xmas or maybe we'll go out... and we'll cut a tree and i make a newsletter. we also want to go to the grotto. i will take money out of savings so that i can buy my handsome groom a gifty poo.

jeff is at los straitjackets, i am jealous.

1 comment:

suleyman said...

Marriage is light years away from where I am.

I'm more jealous. Jealous like a fox. Ah, but Los Straijackets play over in Chapel Hill all the time.

I hear Oregon is number one in Christmas trees. Well, well, well. We're number two you know, little old NC. We have the best trees. Fraser Firs, baby.
