Thursday, March 30, 2006

Si no se quiere, Se mata

Braulio tiene ojos grandes y cabellos oscuros
nunca come en exceso y jamas duerme desnudo
siempre viste de gris, pues no tiene remedio
la tendencia de buscarse un intermedio...

That lyric is from an early Shakira album, which I think I know at least 90 percent of the lyrics to because I have used it so much in teaching spanish. The song is called "Si no se quiere se mata" basically translated "If they don't love you, they kill you". It's a song about abortion.

I have just watched The Constant Gardener. This movie encompasses about the most important 3 things in my life right now, so I was absorbed. I recommend it, highly. It is a murder mystery/love story.

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