Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Fitena says one should laugh at the things that are problematic. You know, my step mom does this so well for me, so that when she laughs, I genuinely realize how stupid and futile my concerns are. I love her for this. I can't pull this off.

I try to focus on a distraction, a positive one.

Here is a positive distraction.

Petting the dog.

We go to the park by our house almost every night. These pics were taken from tonight. I think it is because so far we haven't really gone anywhere this summer, which is a huge source of frustration for me. I don't know how to break this cycle, and I find it very hard to accept. So the park becomes the one place we go.


Fatma said...

Now, that's some positive distraction! They're beautiful Heather, really! I love the one of Ady with the dog! Lovely!
BTW, you got a comment on your comment in the "The Fiancé who is eating my friend post"!
Have a great week end!

Unknown said...

Fitena I need YOU to come here and laugh at my problems for me. I laugh and then I start to cry, so pathetic!

Aadil is funny. I think he thinks about sex too much though perhaps. Now I will read his blog, though, am irritated that he doesn't allow comments.