Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ay, Ay, ay! Taquitos, Flautas, no me importa...solo tengo hambre!

After a couple experiences with these things, was told they were flautas.

Found a recipe here.

But one (a gringo como yo?) called them chimichangas and made distinctions with taquitos...

Now, perhaps I am wrong, but I never saw taquitos or chimichangas in any place where the spanish was the only language spoken.

Flautas is what my student from Oaxaca called them when she made them, so I am thinking that is what they are...

But now I am so confused...I never ate a chimichanga because they sounded so ridiculous to say, and I know the taquitos seem to look like what I am calling a flauta...

guidance anyone?

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I am by far an expert. But when I see both flautas and taquitos on the same menu, the flautas are flour tortillas and the taquitos are corn. But, I have seen lots of places where flautas could be corn but I have never seen taquitos be flour. Hmmm... Hope someone knows the real origin/difference.